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Colorful squash court

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Colorful squash court

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  • date:2024/09/27
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  • Detailed Introduction


Squash Court: Squash was invented by students of Harrow School around 1830. Squash is an indoor sport of hitting the ball against the wall. It is named because the ball makes a sound similar to the English word "SQUASH" when it hits the wall violently. In 1864, a special squash court was built in Harrow, which also became a symbol of the official establishment of the sport.

Squash requires players to have strong endurance. Both players try to hit the ball below the court, and the ball cannot touch the ground or the opponent's players during the flight.

1) Start of the game:

Before the game starts, the players have five minutes of warm-up time. During this time, the main task is to let air enter the inside of the ball to increase the elasticity of the ball.

Usually, the player on the right side chooses to serve. After the game starts, the winner of the previous game has the right to choose the serving venue (i.e. the left or right court). After each point, the two sides exchange courts, and this alternation continues until one side loses the right to serve.

2) Winning the game:

Most squash games are three games or five games. The first player to score 9 points in a set wins the set. But when players reach 8 points at the same time, the player who reaches 9 or 10 points first wins the set. Generally, the player who has the right to serve can score points. If the server misses the ball, the opponent gets the right to serve. This player has the right to score after getting the right to serve.

3) Forehand:

In squash, the forehand is the basic hitting action. The forehand can control the direction of the ball well, and the ball is hit very powerfully. Most players use the "forehand" action when running back to hit the ball that bounces behind, with the goal of hitting the ball into the corner behind the wall. The requirement for a forehand is to master the scale of the racket hitting the ball, and the amplitude should not be too large.

4) Backhand:

The backhand is also a powerful hitting action, but its purpose is typically to hit the ball across the court. The backhand requires good control, and it must ensure that the backhand hits the ball to fly across the court and cannot hurt the opponent. It is important to note that the purpose of the backhand shot is to hit the ball into a corner close to the ground.

This article's website:http://en.hzdc-sports.com/product/607.html

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