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7-a-side football field

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7-a-side football field

  • Category:Outdoor sports field

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  • date:2024/09/27
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  • Detailed Introduction


Seven-a-side football is a variant of football and belongs to the amateur football competition system. In seven-a-side football, each team has only 7 players on the field instead of the usual 11. The venue, rules, tactics, etc. of seven-a-side football are different from ordinary football.

When passing the ball, use the inner or outer instep to push or knock the ball close to the ground as much as possible. Do not let the ball leave the ground, and pass it at a certain speed to the teammate's habitual foot (usually the right foot) so that the teammate can easily receive and handle the ball.

The offensive player usually needs to receive the ball with his back to the goal, while the defender only wants to destroy it and face the ball. Therefore, the offensive player (especially the supporting center) needs to have a sense of meeting the ball, whether it is facing the goal or sideways. In fact, for any player, meeting the ball without waiting for the ball is actually a basic requirement. This is a problem of consciousness, not inspiration, so it can be cultivated and accumulated.

In the seven-a-side game, the habit and consciousness of sharing the ball are particularly important. There are too many dead belts and dead-beat performances in amateur games!

If everyone thinks about sharing the ball with teammates in good positions, the team will be strong. For an amateur team, cultivating the overall control awareness of sharing the ball is the key

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