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Common problems with sports wooden floors

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Common problems with sports wooden floors

Release date:2022-10-15 Author: Click:


       Indoor basketball court wood floor cost budget, sports wood floor technical engineer, Kepu professional sports wood floor paving process, to deal with every detail. Sports wood floor can not be laid too loose or too tight. Sports wood floor expansion and contraction also with the temperature, temperature changes and changes. Therefore, when formulating the wood floor paving plan, the assembly tightness of the wood floor should be scientifically arranged according to the temperature and temperature of the application site. If it is too loose, the floor will easily have a large gap when it contracts, and if it is too tight, the floor will be out of position when it expands. In my country, domestic brands of sports wood floor manufacturers are more considerate. Here we need to gong board, foreign sports brand floor. Domestic sports brand floor, as well as sports wood floor miscellaneous brands have their own characteristics. Foreign sports brand floor products are of good quality, but the after-sales service is not guaranteed; the quality of sports wood floor miscellaneous brands is not guaranteed, domestic brand sports wood floor, one-stop service, more cost-effective.


      According to the DIN product standard, the elastic performance parameter of the operating panel of the stage wood floor is required to be above 90%, and the shock absorption performance parameter is required to be above 53%. The stage wood floor usually has this requirement, mainly because the plastic stage wood floor is more conducive to the jumping and somersaults of teachers, especially Chinese opera actors and acrobats. Some sports venue contractors and tenderers of Dongchen Flooring disassembled and purchased the sports wood floor paving plan in order to reduce the transportation cost of paving materials. For example, the control panel materials of solid wood sports floor are purchased from professional sports wood floor manufacturers; however, some sports wood floor paving auxiliary materials are also purchased from areas close to the sports venues. The disadvantage of this is that the professional quality of solid wood sports floor paving materials cannot be controlled.


What should we do if there are quality problems with solid wood sports flooring, such as discoloration of the solid wood sports floor panel, abnormal noise of the solid wood sports floor, and deformation of the solid wood sports floor? Solid wood sports flooring is made of wood materials, so solid wood sports flooring can be polished and refurbished for replacement. So if the thickness of the solid wood sports floor panel is not enough, or the solid wood sports floor is rotten and heavy, it can only be laid again. With professional floor slip treatment expertise, it is adjustable according to the needs of different activities and can meet the requirements of friction characteristics of different sports competitions. On-site painting is carried out on-site at one time to ensure the quality of painting technology and the ecological environment of the construction site. Sports and fitness sports flooring project engineers popularize the standards and functions of on-site painting of sports and fitness sports flooring. We can also decide to select the manufacturers and first-line brands of sports venues according to our own key requirements.

The cost budget of indoor basketball court wood flooring, there are more commercial sports competition clubs now. In this way, operators need to consider the characteristics of customers when engineering sports venues. For example, for female sports players, what are the requirements for indoor sports venues, planning, and installation of sports venues and facilities? From the perspective of advertising, due to the needs of the segmented market, it is particularly important to understand the consumption concepts and consumer behavior characteristics of small groups. Women are consumers and visitors of sports equipment and sports venues, and are also the main target of advertising.

This article's website:http://en.hzdc-sports.com/news/514.html

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